had a rush nostalgia tonight when i ended up finding my old pink inflatable backpack full of old notes and letters from friends from between 5th-9th grade. i couldn't bring myself to read them, because i was too afraid of the content. i did stumble across one letter though from a boy i sort of, sort of didn't like in 9th grade and it was hilarious. it was a letter from him to me, which went a little something like this: "...three girls asked me out today! and it made me feel kind of good because it was all in the same day. one was some black girl, i think her name is Dizzy. one was Jasmine from our class. and the other one was Sasha, this girl who was stalking me. i said no to all three of them, but i'll have to tell you the reason why in another letter...." and then he proceeded with ending the letter with "your dorky boy" and giving me his digitz. and this was a TYPED letter, might i add... bahahaha.. i actually remember reading that letter the first time in 9th grade and wondering if he was trying to say that he had a crush on me or not, because that letter was pretty damn leading. i found out much later in the 12th grade that he did, but none of that mattered then. hahahaha, oh childhood.... those impressionable, hilarious, and awkward years... i don't think i'll ever grow out of that awkward phase actually.. 
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